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Ciorcail Bearr
- Meaisín-aistrithe téacs
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Cuid 5
(Exterminator, deufoizer, desaucerizer,
an notch chéad uair ar an bairille, a bheith fós dhá cheann)
Cad é an chuid is mó dócha go mbeidh fáil ar an suíomh chiorcail barr fíor, cruthaithe ag nochtadh tintreach (lightnings) do réimse barr, agus na héifeachtaí athshondas agus cur isteach ar dul trí (ollmhór) sruthanna (ar ndóigh, is féidir iad a fháil ar an réimse leacaithe (damáiste, lagaithe) barr áit ar bith):
An chéad Aimhrialtachtaí geomagnetic - LIRM - iompar neamhghnách an chompáis
Dara Iarsmaí an leictreachas statach - OCG - intomhaiste
Tríú Beidh grianghraif IR (ach Bí cúramach, cad dtairiscint roinnt barr ciorcail Explorers áit éigin ar a láithreáin mar "IR" grianghraif fiú leid foilsithe anseo, tá sé líníochtaí hiomlán bán nó grianghraif, go hiomlán saor ó aon - iarsmaí de teasa carntha sa thalamh acmhainní Sonraithe, i gcoinne cad ba chóir dó speisialtóireachta Freisin eolaíoch críochnaithe ach spit. Uimh lua an modh tomhais a úsáidtear, an íogaireacht na n-ionstraimí a thomhas agus braiteoirí, Saintréithe speictreach de Braiteoirí Neamhfhorleathana. Is minic Is gné an-choitianta de staidéir den chineál céanna, ag iarraidh a ligean Sin thar a úsáid siad ach gairmiúla, modhanna eolaíocha a speisialaithe agus nósanna imeachta, ach gníomhú mar speisialtóireachta seo caite, mar sin Go breathnú a íomhánna infridhearg níos mó cosúil le grianghraif dath clasaiceach discolorated, Cé Táirgeann kid dhá bhliain in aon dosaen chlár grafaicí aghaidh na huaire. Bhuel Taisí ach rogha ansin stáit, Go mbeidh infracamera fiú ngnáthnós go leor dul a ghabháil athruithe infridhearg san ithir (mar sin tá sé prediction) in aon áit i réimse le doirteadh lightning. a Wonder sé ná sin i réimsí ina bhfuarthas an ciorcail barr Ní déanta cheana féin tomhais den chineál céanna. S 2012 Taisí, séasúir amháin barr roimh, An mbeidh Bhagairt Mayan a chomhlíonadh agus beidh Stones dul as gnó, conas a thuar Mayans ársa.
4 Cáithníní ar FeO.Fe agus Fe2O3 (maighnéadach -?. In aon chás íogair do réimsí maighnéadacha Éirigh Is féidir iad a laghdú cathodic agus pyrolytic) atá lonnaithe san ithir - b'fhéidir cloí fiú an ears barr, gais agus duilleoga an Tionchar a imirt duilliúr ghlas magnetizing shealadach (seoltóir fiú le friotaíocht an-ard) ba chúis leis a rith faoi láthair trí
5 Ní féidir cuileoga Dead, Is minic a singed docht, greamaitheach leis an barr, (cuileoga scuabtha grianghortha) le fáil in achar réasúnta mór as an patrún, i ngach cás - ní roimh dócha báisteach agus ní raibh go leor feithidí luais le haghaidh hide-A bolt ón gorm
chlé grianghraf © Dr Uwe Engelmann, deas © Janet Ossebaard
Ciorcail barr go leor (ach go leor cásanna Freisin de leacaithe bharr faoi seach (damáiste, lagaithe)) is dócha a cruthaíodh trí nochtadh dúbailte - na plandaí scaoilte chéad amháin "Ullmhaíonn" Cruthaigh "sraith íogair" de phlandaí laige, Cé atá i bhfad níos íogaire ar bith meicniúil agus spreagthaí fisiciúil, agus taifid sé an chéad cheann eile Them chomhlíonadh go fóill, a tharlaíonn tar éis seachtain nó cúpla mí.
Más mian le duine chun éisteacht leis an ripening gráin, uaireanta ach dul ar barr réimse beagnach teorann de cruithneacht ripened, seagal, eorna nó, d'fhéadfadh clárú adh go soiléir agus scoilteadh. Deireadh mhí an Mheithimh, Iúil agus leanúint ar aghaidh. Feiniméan an-suimiúil.
One níos mó dÚsachtach: Ciorcail Bearr - Quest Do Fhírinne . [UFOs] avi 19:50 / 01:54:23
(Eile dÚsachtach) Ar mhaith Bí B'fhéidir féideartha chun breathnú ar an bhfíric go bhfuil na figiúirí le blianta beaga anuas Dealramh níos ábhairín. Is dócha go bhfuil, ar chúis amháin fhéadfaí a Fháil - a fhaigheann ag iarraidh, agus sna laethanta Nuair nach ciorcail a bhí chuardach i réimsí, ie, roimh 1970 nach bhféadfaí, a fháil fiú ar chor ar bith. An smaoineamh an Bhéarla mar a d'fhéach sé ar réimsí barr sna blianta 70, mar a rinneadh cheana, agus cad a Cuma mhaith leo lá atá inniu ann. Amhairc, is dócha nach bhfuil ró-indistinguishably, ach amháin i gcás rud amháin beag. Eadhon difriúil suntasach Úsáidte ag teicníc próiseála. Sna blianta 70 agus feirmeoirí fós sheirbheáil níos luaithe níl boneshakers ndeireadh an mheá díreach os cionn 2 tonna agus leithead na boinn cúil thart ar 30 cm, fiú an capall a plough sheirbheáil uaireanta. Inniu, tá ag rith faoi ar réimsí sin Deeres John mheá níos mó ná 5 tonna, téann dhá uair an leithead an bonn agus an céanna do mheáchan agus meaisíní bonn ceangailte le Them (dáileadh síolú leasacháin,). Beidh siad a chruthú tramlines réimse i bhfad níos níos mó, beidh an obair sin chomh láidir i bhfad agus slata tintreach. Seoltóirí tintrí Níos Fearr - lightnings níos mó. Lightnings níos mó - ciorcail níos mó. Ná scrios mo ciorcail. Ach ní insint, fiú sé leis na feirmeoirí go dtí seo.
Eile is ea an difríocht tábhachtach ó bhlianta roimhe seo ar thionsclú na tuaithe Leanúnach - sa lá atá inniu faoi thalamh tírdhreacha tionsclaithe díreach le interlaced le línte faoi thalamh - fóntais, tá sruthanna lán nach minic sreabhadh i díoga feadh na réimsí, ach sa phíopa Draenacha thíos. Is féidir le gach fóntais PÁIRT i meabhlú unusually dian de thalamh atá ann faoi láthair, a thabhairt faoi fo-iarsmaí féideartha (athshondas agus cur isteach ar sruthanna thar láidir).
Ní fhéadfaidh an Méadú breathnaithe i líon na cruthanna ar an domhan de réir a chéile ó 80, 90 bliana d'aois agus níos faide Fíricí ró-inchruthaithe Staidrimh, ach dodhéanta go hiomlán é sin sé seo go deimhin. Ní féidir ach le blianta beaga anuas a mheas mar minicíocht de shíor tuairimí, ergot an ard réasúnta. Feirmeoirí ní bheidh iad féin a thuairisciú patrúin rialta i gcuid gránaigh, ach sensational go poiblí. Ós rud é go mbeidh an pobal sensational ná i gcónaí ar an chuid sober den daonra, ní bheidh soláthar tuairimí a Laghdú. Ach nach bhfuil sé eisiata volgende Go mbeidh i roinnt blianta a bheith go hiomlán Cuspóir a laghdú ar líon na patrúin breathnaithe rialta. Féadfar a gcur chun Tarlú le roinnt gnéithe roghnaithe, chomh maith le cúinsí eile countless, a nascadh le gníomhaíocht gréine agus a tréimhsiúlacht. Go bhfuil le blianta beaga anuas orthu ní gá roinnt beanna agus minicíocht na figiúirí Tarlú Them a chóipeáil go díreach. Ní féidir aon luach Méadú ar feadh tréimhse éiginnte, ná an teocht an meán an Domhain, ná líon na patrúin le fáil i réimsí. Más rud é an meánlíon cruthanna rialta, An bhliain gach thógáil le fáil sna réimsí seo, a thosaíonn uaireanta i ndáiríre ag titim, ní bheidh in easnamh do dhuine ar bith, agus sa todhchaí Faoi dheireadh beidh muid sásta a théamh le beagán níos mó. Nuair a collapses an graf bata falsa haca cosúil le teach na cártaí, nó casadh leis an patrún comhdhéanta de dúradáin (Domino Effect). Na heisceachtaí amháin go bhfuil tuairisciú Feirmeoirí ar a n-fhoilseacháin docht gairmiúla agus eolaíoch. Iad siúd a íoctar aird In áiteanna eile sa suíomh seo. Mar a leagadh béim ann, tá feirmeoirí ar an tsaincheist a chruthú patrúin (ciorcail) i barr réasúnta léarscáiliú forleathan, tá a fhios an chúis a, an cheist a thuiscint agus chun nach gur gá a thabhairt dó aon phoiblíocht gan ghá.
Nancy Talbot (BLT fhoireann, Ciorcail Bearr - Quest Do Fhírinne . [UFOs] avi 01:03:00 ) - MICREATHONNACH buille, taise casadh i gal éalú ó na fíocháin - Síneann agus nóid bends. Ní bheidh rud éigin mar seo a bheith féideartha chun insamhail i saotharlann. Riamh riamh faoi deara Leathnú agus lúbadh na nóid, agus ní arís i ndáiríre rud ar bith eile seachas an geotrópacht (diúltach), cásanna Láithreach tar éis thaisceadh (damáiste, lagú) leathnaíodh plandaí nóid nó Bent a gan a bheith ann i ndáiríre, tá sé ach botún an-choitianta de Explorers barr go leor ciorcail, a bhí, ar an drochuair, go leor uair an ghiobalach Arís agus arís eile ar a dtugtar talmhaíochta tipiciúil leath-scoláire. Ar ndóigh, d'fhéadfadh go mbeadh patrúin aimsigh, ag Láithreach tar éis lonnú a Bent agus nóid leathnú, ach nach bhfuil sé rud ar bith eile ba chúis leis, ná go raibh an barr atá suite ar feadh roinnt laethanta, fuarthas amach patrún Roinnt laethanta i ndiaidh a bhunaithe ( lóistín (damáiste a dhéanamh , lagú)). Tá ciorcail barr Explorers fíor aon smaoineamh faoi an méid fuinnimh de, a bheadh ag teastáil chun deimhin a Próisis, Go Cuireann siad síos (galú uisce), agus cad cumhacht Chuirfeadh na méideanna TAR ÉIS Iarmhairtí ar bheogacht plandaí.
An ráiteas thuas de bharr Explorers ciorcail Dearbhaíonn ach an FACT brónach, Sin riamh siad cuairt ar réimse ar bith le go leor coitianta, neamhrialta dtaiscfear `a (damáiste, lagaigh) barr, Go raibh cuairt a thabhairt as a thaobh amharc ar aon "fuinneamh anaithnid". Ar mhaith a fuair duine go díreach Laistigh de na comharthaí agus na neamhréireanna Céanna, agus thar aon nóid, lena n-áirítear an méid cur síos siad mar "nóid phléasc" nó "cavities expulsed", rud a bheadh ar Them gur deacair a mhíniú. Mar a Léirmhínithe ar leathanach eile, iad seo feiniméin ar aon bhealach ba chúis leis an brú gáis taobh istigh nóid, Ar mhaith Cén Seemingly Them "expulsed" gach feiniméin den sórt sin ba chúis go hiomlán ag athruithe fás nádúrtha de réir a chéile agus go mall ag fás, beagán, ar roinnt pointí neamhrialta a thriomú agus ag fáil bháis cealla agus fíocháin. Ní bheidh ach na siombailí, fiú tar éis beagnach curtha i gcrích a thriomú agus ag fáil bháis stop a chur go rathúil a chomhlíonadh an fheidhm fíochán soithíoch - is féidir iad a fhíorú go héasca in aon chuid de na plandaí - Internode nód, duille ( a léiriú, grianghraf leagan ó timelapse turgnamh + )
Is féidir freisin, a bheadh i bhfad níos measa, Go bhfuil ciorcail barr Explorers a rinneadh riamh agus den chineál céanna breathnóireachta, ach roimh an bpobal i gcoitinne cheilt ach Them. Chun rud éigin Ar mhaith mar sin is dócha a bheith níos fearr gan amhras fiú Them. Cé, lowbrows talmhaíochta, Cé go rialta ar fud an leor as a gcuid tuairimí a roghnú go díreach cad a oireann Them, le amhras féideartha rud ar bith. B'fhéidir go díreach ó Sin aon Torthaí Cosúil A mheastar a bheith eisceachtaí leanúnach athfhillteach, Sin ach arís agus arís agus Daingnithe leanúnach a rialacha.
An earráid Bunúsacha gach hoaxers sin Glaoite - circlers chos - ciorcal lucht déanta nó ciorcal lucht déanta, Glaoite sin Dá bhrí sin, i FACT sin riamh siad gur fiú sa réimse, gan trácht le linn oíche go raibh a chruthú patrún (ach amháin ar feadh cúpla awkward - taispeántais íoctha os comhair na ceamaraí teilifíse, ach i rith an lae), leis an bhfíric go bhfuil siad nach fiú ar a laghad a lua ar cheann de na fíricí is tábhachtach, go hiomlán Riachtanach chun bogadh sa réimse, Is é sin go bhfuil sé an-riachtanach, sin an Ní raibh réimse fiú leid ar fliuch, gan trácht tar éis báisteach nó fiú le linn báisteach. Fhios ag gach duine, arís eile, gach duine, agus uair dheireanach, WHO go bhfuil fíor aon duine a bhfuil ag siúl trí réimse ar a laghad an taithí íosta, Sin siúl ar réimse fliuch, fiú i buataisí rubair agus uiscedhíonach cuí éadaí, fiú i rianta Tarracóir ( I coinníollacha fliuch na codanna is measa walkable an réimse), ar bharr sin i rith na hoíche faoi flickering tóirsí láimhe solas, nó an moonlight, agus do gach Sin (!) a sheoladh go fóill aon ní i n-lámha, mar sin Sin mar thoradh ar Ón cumas an-teoranta go tapa go leor chun cúiteamh a t-iarmhéid Nuair a slipping mhaith, feidhmigh (gan trácht ar saor in aisce), ach leathcheann iomlán. Nó an t-údar míreanna tráchtas. Le linn an bhreathnaithe agus photographing i réimsí comhlánaithe ag Go háirithe i tramlines ciliméadar céadta, ach ní san oíche (agus i ndáiríre ag obair ach ar feadh Blockheads agus fools). Ach tá taighde dar críoch suas, agus beidh riamh a fháil dó ann arís, fiú le péire de dam, tá grianghraif Faighte bhí go leor, ach I rith na chéad trí bliana de thaighde díreach os cionn 18,000, is é an bhliain 2011 fós Measúnaíodh go hiomlán. Duine ar bith a réimsí freastalaíodh in aon ordú ar Lú Ó am go chéile, bheadh FACT Cuimhneacháin go han-mhaith, agus ní mhaith a bheith cinnte gur theip a lua faoi sin. Ceist eile a bheadh hoaxers féideartha a iarraidh - conas a raibh siad ag bogadh i réimse na ráibe fás, roinnt seachtainí roimh bainte (fiú amháin sa patrúin mheán Láithriú).
Tá an bogadh i agus ábhar tirim, ar bhealach ar bith, fiú méadar ag méadar é, go hiomlán dodhéanta. Cruthaigh agus canola fás go hiomlán i mothar impenetrable Cé acu dul isteach féideartha ach amháin trí buainteoir le chéile le.
Fiú má tá an barr leacaithe (damáiste, lagaithe) uaireanta an-fhada tar éis sceitheadh tintreach, díreach roimh an fómhar, is dócha níos mó ná 90% de na cásanna Nuair a bhuail an tintreach an réimse sin. Ar ndóigh, braitheann sé ar cé ar an réimse agus timpeall i láthair slata lightning mór ann an scaipeadh urscaoileadh, cé mhéad scaoilte cliathánach agus ina dhiaidh sin le feiceáil ann agus nuair a chuirtear i dtír siad i ngach áit. Faoi Oibiachtúlacht, ag tagairt do: Go stáit Riachtanach bhí breathnaithe siad cásanna Freisin, tar éis Taifeadta Nuair scamall urscaoileadh lightning - ní raibh talamh i réimse tharlaíonn aon leata (damáiste, lagú) (Stratov 2009, 2010, ó thuaidh Milovice 2010). Ach tá sé seo suntasach níos lú ná 10% de na cásanna breathnaithe.
Ceann de na cásanna a tuairiscíodh, go dtí Nuair nach bhfuil an fómhar a bhí leacaithe (damáiste, lagaithe) aon ní ar chor ar bith (Milovice thuaidh,photo). D'fhéadfadh sé seo a bheith mar gheall ar an bhfíric go bhuail tintreach i ndáiríre ach le linn mór, atá suite ar an réimse ag an am a urscaoileadh, agus aon áit eile, nó míchruinnis sa suíomh a thomhas, a d'fhéadfadh deireadh iarbhír suas ar chrann in aice láimhe nó tor (unobserved ). Dá bhrí sin d'fhéadfadh sé a bheith ina feiniméan i dtaighde eolaíoch nach bhfuil ar leith, mar a thugtar air tuairimí diúltacha, nach bhfuil acu a thabhairt ar an Torthaí Ionchais. An scaoileadh lightning i addition cheana dar críoch i barr triomaithe go suntasach trí Próisis ripening. Ar mhaith Fíocháin cheana féin i riocht tirim, nach bhfuil acu a cheadú athrú go suntasach a chruth chun mbeadh sé níos léiriú a lagú suntasach, ina theannta sin, a neartú suntasach déanta cheana féin ag a thriomú go páirteach. (foto, datum) Is Ar ndóigh, an réaltacht an-éasca go turgnamhach infhíoraithe ag am ar bith sa todhchaí.
Ciorcail Bearr - Quest Do Fírinne [UFOs] avi. 53:00 Bert Jannsen in iúl an smaoineamh an-suimiúil agus fhéadfá a rá go bhuail beagnach an ingne ar an ceann, díreach Pronounced Cé nach bhfuil sonraithe. An Chéad luaitear sin luíonn go leor de na figiúirí i dtreo na línte tram - go maith síos, ach bealach rochtana. Tabhair faoi deara JL - Cuidíonn sé go minic ar éagsúlacht na skeptics smaointe, An Bealach Sin ag dul leo chomh maith ciorcal lucht déanta, chun Seachain aon bóithre rochtana inbhraite, a bheadh ina chabhair a nochtadh. I Go deimhin, tá Sa treo céanna imithe ach amháin "cruthaitheoir mór" - throuhg Déanta Them agus ní fada ó Them tharlódh sruth leictreach.
(Citated ó ciorcail barr - Quest Do Truthh )
" Tá gach ciorcail barr ceann mór falsa, hoax mór . " Cé go bhfuil an bhfeiniméan seo go hoibiachtúil atá ann cheana féin, ach daoine fós nach bhfuil ann a chinneadh cad é cúis leis. Réasúnta Daoine atá an-teoranta i bPróisis Smaointe (Bealaí smaointeoireachta), go fóill taighde amháin, Cibé patrúin eachtrannaigh a cruthaíodh, nó daoine. Síleann sé tá sé rud éigin idir eatarthu, tá sé i ndáiríre (aistriúchán simplithe) cruthaithe ag daoine iad féin, ach nach ndéanfaidh siad fós a Realize conas. Tá sé ceart, Cathaoirleach! Patrúin i réimse cúnamh i ndáiríre le daoine chun é a chruthú dóibh féin, ach go hiomlán aineolach ach conas. Cheana féin ach go raibh maith agat ach dó, Go Fásann siad rud ar bith i dtaca le, den chuid is mó barr. Mura raibh aon réimsí barr, Ar mhaith a bheith ann aon ciorcail barr, tá sé rud simplí agus sothuigthe. (Ach tá féar, aon fhásra eile, agus ábhair neamhorgánacha)
Is fachtóir eile é sin tábhachtach le linn saothrú ag tramlines a fhorbairt, ag gníomhú di araon mar slata tintreach réasúnta maith, bíonn an bheirt a dhéanann siad díreach bunúsacha "dáileadh fuinnimh leictrigh." Tar éis go bhfuil an urscaoileadh chéad gar do tramlines sraitheanna Throm-cruthaíodh an aeir ianaithe, gal uisce agus deannach, a mheallann sceitheadh tánaisteacha an boladh céanna cosúil le beoir mar alcóil.
Ar na céadta na n-íomhánna a gabhadh i gcás éifeachtaí doirteadh lightning sa réimse, luíonn go han-minic tramlines an barr, volgende Them, idir Them, agus go minic ach an oiread nó níos mó minic i lár na lúb ráithe. Go hiomlán féidir leis an staid céanna a breathnaithe ag roinnt an-ard de bharr ciorcail grianghraif i n-aice, Freisin in áiteanna i bhfad i gcéin agus i réimsí máguaird. Ina theannta sin, tugann BJ gceart go na plandaí chéad dtaiscfear `a (damáiste, lagú), agus ansin tús a seasamh ar ais ar bun, i gcomparáid le BLT mar shampla. Tabhair faoi deara JL: An bhfuil siad Ar dtús dtaiscfear `a (damáiste, laige), mar gheall ar lagú ar an chuid íochtarach an chuid is mó, tocsainí ag gluaiseacht i dtreo fréamhacha plandaí.
The fact that the formation of patterns looks very analogous to the formation of latent image in sensitive layer in classic black and white silver halide material is shown at many places on this site dealing with this problem, it is one of the leading ideas of the whole research.
Two and a half of a year plus one to two days from the beginning of research, August 14, 2010, has been mentioned another analogy with the classical photo: latent image is into the "sensitive layer" in the field of crops stored under the flash of lightning illumination... (the use of flash illumination, only the amount of energy emitted by a "natural flash lamp" is 109 - 1018 higher, than that used during photographing)
UFO club named "Flash of Lightning" (Záblesk in Czech, link) is very interested in the phenomena associated with the appearance of crop circles. Noted here as only very curious fact. For example, it has become almost a tradition that in some documents and films dealing with the issue of crop circles is sometimes in the background as a symbol of mysteriosity screened a lightning shot striking during thunderstorm. (photo - an accompanying picture of the movie showing thunderstorm lightning)
For comparison, ordinary lightning, what is anyone in the camera, during discharge radiates energy up to 5 Joule, but rather a much smaller (tenths Joule). That what is called "flash" when shooting on a mobile phone (high-brightness LED) radiates energy 1000-10000 times smaller, but due to the quality of acquired forografie abundantly sufficient. Great studio flash units operate with energy 500 – 2500J. The single average lightning during a thunderstorm radiates energy in order 109 J, during the storm there are generated several thousands of them. A unique above average lightning radiates even 100-10000 times more energy. (Note: the sensitive layer of film or camera sensor usually grab no more than 1 / 100 000 light emitted by the flash unit, while to the "sensitive layer of the crop field" falls almost several tens percent of lightning light and almost all other its energy...)
Areas of flattened (damaged, weakened) and similarly damaged cereals and other crops due to the impact of thunderstorm lightning discharges in the whole world would be an estimated at 0.5-1.5 million km2 of altogether damaged and lodged (damaged, weakened) areas
Fe2O3 - noted somewhere else
A considerable degree may be on resulting shape of some figures involved mechanical vibrations and resonance of underground cavities, either empty (caverns), or filled with water (natural water reservoirs), or filled with a substrate that is filled with water (aquifer). In a film that describes the issue of crop circles is such an example displayed - crop circles appeared directly above the artificial reservoir, perhaps water. d
Just after about a month started in wheat "something" to appear (two photos above), however, looked very different from similar cases observed, when the stalks start bend to the ground at first considerably slowly. There are several observable places, quite irregular, with a suspiciously small area (2-3 square meters), but nevertheless thoroughly flattened (damaged, weakened), mostly not only bent but broken. In addition, as though between them resulted some connecting paths...
Hedgehogs? After a while, everything is clear. Behold!
picture date: 27. 6. 2010 (also both preceding) picture date: 23rd 7th 2010, a few meters away
So that, after all, just really copulating hedgehogs... The field was finally really lodged (damaged, weakened), more than two months after the discharge, at several locations (hundreds of square meters), much closer to measured lightning point, until immediately before harvest, but just exactly according to the rules for lodging (damaging, weakening) caused by lightning discharges, where some of the affected areas are never completely lodged (damaged, weakened), elsewhere lodged (damaged, weakened) completely, very rapidly but gradually begin getting back up (through nodes). Areas lodged (damaged, weakened) due to "mating hedgehogs" will rise never even a hint, they are really "overbended", there appear significant majority of broken stalks. Were there playing some D&D one with other? They were not doing there anything else anyhow (if ever have an odd field visited). That their dumb, say, monstrously silly creephole as being manufacturing circles in crop could believe perhaps Mrs. Bower...
Really very long period between the lightning discharge and lodging (damaging, weakening) this year (2010) observed only in Ostra (wheat - north of railyard), almost 4 months. Barley (south of railyard) is lodged (damaged, weakened) 1 – 2 weeks after the hit, immediately but slowly. At first only tens of square meters, far below 1%. Finally, estimated around 20 % of whole field area. Photographs on the page Chronology.
Make an attempt how chive by passing current may attract particles Fe2O3 or Fe.
results here
There are often in patterns cereals lodged (damaged, weakened) very significantly (very sharp, contrast and difference between affected and unaffected plants in their vicinity), and also that the effects often manifest themselves in the same place the following year. In contrast to creation of irregular shapes is possible that in some cases of creating crop circles was there sometimes in progress probably really exceptionally strong lightning. Perhaps it would be interesting to see if in the vicinity of some patterns does not lead underground water pipes. Groundwater certainly quite often - excellent conductor. The dose of electrical energy, which integrally operates on one plant, should be resolved to the part that will receive above-ground part of plants, roots and how much is captured in the soil to form substances adverse for plant growth (average portion per plant). In the case of plants with lower seeding density is likely to be such an integral dose much more frequently fairly reliably kills, as opposit for example from cereals, where can be energy distributed very unevenly. Such cases are processed fairly extensively in the agriculture scientific literature, for example, in monographs devoted to various kinds of agricultural crops. On the website will be a number of examples, mainly on the agriculture page of the section 2.01 and probably on some pages dealing with electro-phytopathology
Some possible estimated causes to achieve very high contrast of imaging layer of crop possibly will be given a special, yet non-existent page High Contrast Effect
1:43:40 they are studying us (quite common and widespread opinion, in the Czech Republic it holds and widely promote for example Mrs. Pliskova). If this were true, would inevitably aliens have reach to the conclusion that all people are really very stupid... Never mind, the same thing about them (aliens) may think and certainly also really does the whole of humanity, because only a true idiot would be able to land directly on the power lines... (see Zuidland, several paragraphs down)
According to the very similar opinion it is an experiment, by that they try to provoke humanity to a reaction, and study its approach to the problem, as it tries to solve it: government and politicians sometimes tried to explain something in this direction, possibly their driving handles - military forces - results probably every time the same - zero - zero - zero...
"I need qualified medical help. I hope to be working with a local doctor who has kindly agreed to try and analyse these reports" that local surgeon has not reached for 16 years ( 1994-2010 ), to any result, it is not just an optimum...
For example, frequently referred sensation of metallic taste in the mouth is fairly typical for cyanide poisoning. Hydrogen cyanide (HCN) the discharge may create in the underground, due to the materials present and currents passing there up to kilogram quantities. Everything is there, H + C + N = HCN. The equation is not created according to the rules established in chemistry, and much more reminds mathematical equation. It is created quite apparently against chemical rules, and regardless of the composition of source materials and any accompanying reactions and intermediates. Due to the temperatures, energies, pressure, electrical current, voltage, ionization, and everything other that may happen there, really something like that would be going on there. Although such a formula would almost everyone even slightly informed chemist more like termed "chemical crazy". Some other chemist, just a little more informed, would perhaps even prefer a similar manner compiling equations directly expressed as chemical garbage. It's really unfortunately a rather serious matter. A small underground digester would really like to cook anything like that, and nearly above equation...
Incidentally, similar studies were carried out, electrical discharges in an enclosed space, and very simple chemicals, present there (H2, CH4, NH3, water) formed more complex chemicals, such as amino acids. Experiments conducted by Stanley Miller in 1953.
Find out the feelings from a person poisoned by ion CN(-), whether in the form of cyanide or hydrogen cyanide, is indeed a very rare coincidence or rather curiosity. In order to share with someone about their feelings, only rarely has more time than two minutes. The only guinea pigs, who were probably ever able to share their feelings after cyanide poisoning will probably remain forever those whom Lucy pulls into the field as kittens and let them fill out questionnaires about all that. Fortunately they obtained subletal dose, because most of them according to the testimony leave the field using their own legs.
"It is interesting to note that whereas the physical reactions are largely unpleasant, the emotional effects are predominately beneficial." - Something like that claims almost every drug user.
awareness of a `Presence` whilst visiting a formation, a peculiar sort of `metallic` taste, panic attacks, blurred vision.
visual hallucinations or physical sightings
"could not enter, a physical barrier was preventing me and I felt nauseous"
"reaching the outer ring of the Eye formation where I hit an invisible wall that forced me to double over. This was followed immediately by vertigo and dizziness."
"whilst measuring and photographing this formation, I started feeling nauseous and dizzy, especially in the upper area which looks like a `maze`. After leaving, the feeling went away."
"I began to feel quite agitated and finally had to leave. The effect was most intense in the higher part. We left the formation about 5 or 6 p.m. I felt fine until later that night when I woke up feeling nauseous. The next day I felt a weak and disorientated"
It felt really claustrophobic and was quite terrifying
By the time I reached the car I felt fine although I still had a slight `butterflies in the stomach` feeling.
This panic sensation was also reported by John Sayer whilst visiting the Spider's Web to the east of the Avebury complex:"The unease became worse, changing to foreboding, through panic to almost terror. As I retreated from the formation, I nearly broke into a run. I tried to fight against the feeling but it was overwhelming. I confess to being reduced to a state of paranoia by the time I got out of the field." - man describes a short term, but really directly textbook aberration under influence of drugs
"Metallic taste in mouth" – For example, a typical acute lead poisoning, but also many others, organic and inorganic poisons, including cyanides (!).
"Blurred vision" – After ten lager beer anyone may see blurry, and if not, still can knock out with a bottle of rum. Then what about a consumer of one joint?
Another interesting feature, which Lucy described on this page is that, that her colleague in one formation did not work for the camera FLASH... Probably realized that at the same place just recently worked his, say, 1012 - 1018 times more powerful colleague, and if it would be in his abilities, would ran from there as fast as it would be possible. But, as is known, photographic flash units do not have legs capable of moving... (2004)
HEALTH CATEGORIES. ORAL (metallic taste, tooth pain, unusual thirst)
CRANIAL (headaches) daches)
OCULAR (vision changes, hallucination)
AUDITORY (Acoustic) hearing voices, music etc.
GUT (nausea, diarrhoea, sudden hunger etc.)
SYSTEMIC (dizziness, weak knees, leg pain etc.)
MENTAL (thought processes affected, short-term memory loss, feelings of panic, terror, evil, peace, love and light, disorientation, sense of a Presence)
Dear Lucy! All described feelings of that guinea pigs are related to the ingestion of narcotic drugs and poisons, possibly by poisoning sublethal doses of deadly toxic substances (CO, HCN), that they were breathing during their visit in the pattern. Much more on another pages. That diarrhoea alias really nobody wishes to them. Due to the fact that without any warning and prevention attending collectively places with a very likely potential presence of Extremely Dangerous Poissons, derivable from thousands of written witnesses evidences, they probably really deserve it...
Much more on the page Health Problems
Zuidland, Zuid-Holland, NL. 2002. Here on the right is all nicely together with the lightning rod. Possible find also other shots, even with eg. Google Earth it is possible to fairly reliably convince, that just in this case those stupid aliens landed rightly on the high voltage wires. Better to kick them in their asses? For instance illustrative photo upright on this page, in the head, it is possible to see there that wires - the same pattern.
HV lines can be found near many patterns crop circles, and equally often even near any quite irregularly flattened (damaged, weakened) crop, there is built a special page. Any HV line attracts lightning better than only common Lightning Rod - there is cerated infinite count of ionised particles near that. Lightning Rods in Crop Fields (introductory photo - Thailand 2011)
It would certainly be interesting to find out information from companies engaged in electricity distribution (not in Czech), whether they have registered lightning hits into the power lines that run close to the figures, some time before their appearing.
CEZ (Ceske Energeticke Zavody - Czech Power Plants) – we do not deal with this issue. In our society is not a department, that recorded lightning strikes or phenomena associated with that. (2008; is no reason to assume, that in this direction over time anything has changed). It would be interesting to even ask whether and how they are protected against lightning damages power plants Temelin, Dukovany, also other... There may be some disorder in the storage of lightning arrestors? Do they use them ever? Why are they completely not interested, how makes electricity their competitors...
The vast majority of the world's electricity giants owns and manages, or at least strongly supports, extensive basic research laboratories, really closelyly interconnected with academia, dedicated to research of storms, lightning, their physical principles and consequences. Not so a little, small, negligible CEZ in CZECH..
crop circles - CBC News (28 January 1989, Ann MacMillan) 10:17/14:23
"Our witness, Ray Burns, one of the few people in the world who claim to have seen how they formed a circle in the crop. It happened one evening, after a storm when he was out walking with dogs."
note J.L.: What to want more? During the storm had been the circle exposed, plants damaged in a circle shape due to the Lightning Discharge and they followed only its results. Also not excluded, that patterns were exposed long ago - up to several weeks, and observed storm only contributed to the moisture logged plants - up to several hundred tonnes per hectare, so it could arise thereDomino Effect, possibly contributed by the second lightning discharge energy, as described elsewhere. here. Teorie dvojího výbojevýboje
"First he saw a line 50-75 m long, not too wide, and when looked at it after a few seconds, began to form a circle around it."
(note J.L.: He saw several hundred of millions of plants exposed - damaged by lightning, by chance just at the moment, when their own strength (continuously weakening) was overpowered by their weight, increased of moisture supplied by the thunderstorm, due to their weakening. Registered exactly the moment when there started to take place Domino efekt. Probably just by chance at the time when there flew around some Butterfly...)
Will be presented an example of the herb chive. Possible see that after one or several discharges (energy of approximately 0,03J) in close proximity to plant. The vast majority of current does not pass through the plant only in its immediate vicinity, there act primarily infrared radiation and induced currents. Just one discharge is sufficient to all-out killing the plant part just below it. But the consequences may be observable only after several days. What take effect immediately, within a few seconds at most minutes, is the weakening of the stem. Will be displayed at the page experiments Chive disappointed, the first attempt - on one specimens of plant many times repeatable, the other specimens failed to repeat with the same impressive results. It is not impossible that this still succeeds sometime. Just daisies chive completely replaced. Over the longer time horizon (minutes, hours, days) behaves very similarly many other plants, for example spiny milk-thistle (sonchus asper). Long live the plantain ! Who will cross barley and plantain, becomes forever the ruler of the beer world... (also whisky, or any other malt-based drink)
Spiny milk-thistle (also other sow-thistle species) in addition, shows something, what has so far failed to reach on any other plant. Will be photo here.
End of part 5
This page was prepared, and all the facts and theories presented here were very thoroughly, closely and in detail experimentally examined by
Jan Ledecky