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Crop Circle
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Crop Circle , recortar imaxes, principios básicos de Raios
Citas longas (máis considerable do que só algunhas frases) de dominio tamén traducida a calquera idioma, sería mellor publicar en calquera lugar con permiso do autor. Grazas.
Fotografías tamén protexido por dereitos de autor © ©quick spigots
Citas permitido, certamente. Orixe do nome, por favor. Tamén conectar sempre que sexa posible, thx.
Contacto ou lightningsymbols (a)
Se está interesado, póñase en contacto
Nota: Antes de estender esta páxina, gran cantidade de datos físicos, incluíndo as características eléctricas en páxina contiña Mecánica
Thunderstorms and Lightnings
Explanation of Lightning Creation
Classification of Lightning Types
Energetic Balances of the Lightning Discharges
Introduction to the Lightning Formation Phases
(refers to the most common type - downward negative discharge cloud - ground)
1. Preliminary Breakdown
2. Stepped Leader
3. Upward Positive Streamer
4. Attachment Process
5. Return Stroke
6. Dart Leader
7. Continuing Current
8. J and K Processes in Discharges to Ground
If interested, contact
Page under construction
Some partial information now may be found for example on certain summary pages. crop circles - understanding is now mainly one of the most extensive page. Another fairly comprehensive informations may be found on the links from the page Texts. There are links to some published texts. Also some unpublished yet, ie some preview version. Other unsorted tests are placed here. The texts will be of course added continuously.
Wheat field - a record of the lightning magnetic field lines
Shocking, perplexing, surprising, difficult to believe, but also eye-opening similarity
Wheat field - record of magnetic field lines generated by the lightning discharge
Nearly one million Amperes (known school experiments - maximum 20 - 30 Amperes)
Exactly at the moment of the lightning discharge flow through corn stalks induced and conducted (ionized air, corona discharge) electric currents. Thanks to that stalks and other plant parts may exhibit electromagnetic properties.
It was one of the greatest Natural joke - mystification, clever trick, by that was the Mother Nature kidding the whole perplexed mankind hundreds, thousands years.
With mentioned ideas is possible not agree, also possible protest against them, but it maybe really all that is possible to do with it or against it. So called Jerry Cimrman's postulate.
If interested, contact
This page was prepared, and all the facts and theories presented here were very thoroughly, closely and in detail experimentally examined by
Jan Ledecky